Comprehensive Evaluation and Comparison of Energy Security in OECD CountriesBased on Composite Indicator

mina mohtashami; Taghi Ebrahimi Salari; Mohammad Hossein Mahdavi Adeli

Volume 4, Issue 1 , August 2015, Pages 1-21


  This study with examination of the dimensions and indexes of energy security provided a comprehensive composite index for organization economic cooperation and development countries )OECD(. The used dimensions in this study are selected based on the newest definition by Soacool (2011) including "availability ...  Read More

Discourse Analysis of Ahmadinejad's Government’s Nuclear Policy; From Hegemony to Decline

jalal dehggani; mahdi ataie

Volume 4, Issue 1 , August 2015, Pages 22-58


  Iran’s nuclear program has been the most important issue for its foreign policy during the last decade. This article tries to apply discourse analysis, as a research framework, to Iran’s nuclear policy during Ahmadinejad’s government. The authors explore main political discourse shape Iranian foreign ...  Read More

Identity, Nuclearization and Resolution of Iran’s Nuclear Conflict

Mohammad Soltaninejad

Volume 4, Issue 1 , August 2015, Pages 59-80


  In this article the ideational and normative dimensions of Iran’s bid to join the nuclear countries’ club is studied. The main question is: what is the status of identity and ideational concerns in Iranian nuclear conflict and its resolution? Using a qualitative and analytical method, to answer this ...  Read More

Geopolitics of Energy Pipelines to the Indian Subcontinent and its Impact on the National Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran

AbdolReza Faraji Raad; Maryam Baee Lashaki; Mohammad Taghi Jahanbakhsh

Volume 4, Issue 1 , August 2015, Pages 81-109


  The South Asia, particularly, India and Pakistan are large applicants of Iran and Turkmenistan which are the major holders of Natural Gas resources in the region and the world. Accordingly, recent years two pipelines have been proposed to supply natural gas to India and Pakistan: IPI (Peace) pipeline ...  Read More

The impact of hegemony in create of international peace and security and development of international law

mehdi firozabadian; Mahmoud Jalali Kerveh; Leila Raisi

Volume 4, Issue 1 , August 2015, Pages 110-131


  Usually the relationship between international law and international politics is considered reciprocal relationship that one includes fairness and equality and another one containing the power and it is often assumed that international law reduced by power, because there is no world government to control ...  Read More

A Comparative Study on the Nationalization of the Oil Industry and the Iranian Nuclear Issue from the Perspective of International Order

sirous Mohebi; saeede Ahmadi

Volume 4, Issue 1 , August 2015, Pages 132-156


  This confrontation of the West and especially America with Iran, has similarities with England´s confrontation with this country in nationalization of oil. This research seeks to compare similarities and differences of these two events together And with investigating the global situation of the main ...  Read More