Document Type : مقالات


Allameh Tabataba'i Univity Tehran


 An assessment of the developments in Indo-American relations reveals the numerous ups and downs in the relations between the two countries. Since 1990 and after developments in the global economy and adoption of a market-based economic policy by India, however, New Delhi has moved toward restructuring its relations with Washington. In addition, the US policy of developing economic relations with emerging economies during the Clinton’s administration paved the way for Washington to reorient its perceptions toward India. Despite political and strategic considerations of George W. Bush’s administration and later developments in mutual relations between the US and India, any long-term perspective of cooperation between the two countries should concentrate on economic and strategic objectives. Based on this argument, the present article has endeavored to take advantage of qualitative methodology in order to analyze the relation between economic convergence and strategic logic which has not only resulted in the enhancement of economic flourishment but also has strengthened the strategic objectives of the two countries. What are the effects of global economic developments on the Indo-American relations? In answering this question, we can raise this hypothesis that economic developments and global markets have resulted in interdependency and proximity between India and the US. They have also contributed to further flexibilities by both countries while highlighting the importance of alliances for attaining strategic objectives. The findings of the article indicate that the United States’ need to international partners for creating supporting associations and the India’s efforts to obtain strategic autonomy through cooperation with the US and, concurrently, immunization of this restructuring by embarking on closer relations with other countries is tantamount to interdependence and unprecedented expansion of relations between New Delhi and Washington. 


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