Document Type : مقالات


1 PNu

2 Allameh Tabatabaee

3 Payam Noor


In the new round of Iran's nuclear talks with the P5 + 1 countries in the Rouhani's administration, Iranian diplomats took advantage of "media diplomacy" along with political diplomacy to continue nuclear talks and “the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Center for Public and Media Diplomacy " increasingly took advantage of the media as diplomatic channels to enhance the process of Iran's nuclear talks with the West. This effort has determined the international community's diplomatic approach to the Rouhani’s administration and the international community's view on the Iran's nuclear file. This study aims to examine the role of media diplomacy in changing the international community's approach to the Islamic Republic of Iran while the Rouhani's administration was negotiating with the P5 + 1. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used and its theoretical framework is based on the theory of media convergence. In the current study, the "surveyed community" was selected from the members of the negotiating team and the experts of the ministry of foreign affairs, media representatives, university professors, media experts, parliamentarians, and international relations experts. The findings show that Iran's media diplomacy, as the main actor of the media convergence model convinced its audience (public opinion) that Iran's nuclear program is peaceful and changed the process of Iran's nuclear talks with the P5 + 1. Suggestions provided by this study will help strengthen media diplomacy in international relations.


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