Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant

2 Allameh Tabatabai University



There is a significant difference of opinion about the interaction and the relationship between ethics and responsibility of the government in the issue of immigration and asylum seeking. Some, like universalists, believe in the extensive responsibility of governments to create the necessary conditions for these people, and others, like statists, believe in the limited responsibility of governments in organizing this area. The contemporary philosopher Michael Walzer has a clear position in this area. His ideas are an evolutionary and dialectical combination of the responsibility of the national government and international ethics. Therefore, this article, based on this dominant duality in the philosophical-political approaches to immigration and asylum-seeking, and in particular Michael Walzer's approach, seeks an explanatory answer to the basic question: what relationship between the responsibility of the state and the international moral issue can be the basis for policy-making in the issue of asylum migration? In order to answer this question, we will first briefly explain the state-centered and universalist debate on immigration and asylum-seeking, and then explain our critique of it by explaining the combined ideas of Michael Walzer.
