Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Yasuj University

2 Ph.D. Student in Political Sociology, Yasuj University



way that fighting it for the current generation and the international system; It has become a "natural" thing that should always be dealt with at any level and direction, this thinking has of course been popularized by the intellectual and political circles of "America" ​​and has been instilled as an undeniable "truth" to everyone. U.S.A has taken advantage of all its theoretical and practical possibilities, including discoursive, conceptual, economic, media, military… convince the world that it has the upper hand in the fight against terrorism and that it is even possible to fight the basic principles of international law in the fight against this phenomenon. Therefore, by resorting to the facilities available to him, he has been able to form domination and subjugation and, in Foucault's terms, a disciplinary society. The current research seeks to analyze this domination and control with regard to the historicity of the events with Foucault's genealogical method. According to the stages of Foucault's genealogy, the present article comes to the conclusion that the "fight against terrorism" as claimed by the United States, was not so benevolent and did not aim at peace, but it is still possible to trace the interests of the United States and its hegemony in this policy. Found. Discontinuities and analysis of the origin and strength of the American foreign policy in the study of the fight against terrorism show that the United States has created the terrorist as "otherness" to build its new nature.
