Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Yasouj University,


China has actively pursued health diplomacy in the post-Corona era. The current research investigates the goals, motives and functions of Chinese health diplomacy. China's motivation is politico-economic, its goal is soft power, and its function is economic-political advantages. This research follows a qualitative method and analytical-explanatory approach. Research data was collected from the press and digital sources. The findings show that China's health diplomacy, unlike during the Cold War, is no longer influenced by ideology, and that the country pursues economic-political targets. Beijing has used health diplomacy to promote its soft power in the world over the past three decades, especially after the global coronavirus outbreak. The United States and Europe’s negligence of Africa’s medical needs has led China to expand its health diplomacy in most African countries. The African demand for provide preventive equipment during the coronavirus outbreak, as well as the provision of vaccines in 2021, created unique opportunities for Beijing.
