Document Type : مقالات




In the post-bipolar period, the nature of international conflicts has changed and peacekeeping missions increased in Critical parts of the world such as Africa. Sudan crisis can be nominated as the greatest humanitarian catastrophe in the world that has provoked the reaction of countries and the United Nations. The UN Security Council through prescription of multiple resolutions play vital role as the main operator of keeping the international peace and security. Current article evaluates peacekeeping missions in Africa and seeks to answer why the Security Council’s peacekeeping missions have not been successful in South Sudan, Darfur and Abyei? Failure to follow the effective components in peacekeeping operations caused to fizzle the UN in these missions. The mentioned elements include consent and goodwill of the two parties, impartiality, collaboration and participation of key foreign players, sense of security for the parties involved, transparency in the functions and powers of the mission, timely and rapid deployment of peacekeeping operations, domestic and international coordination and cooperation, competent leadership of the peacekeeping mission, and considering the causes and reasons of war.


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