Document Type : Original Article


1 .Assistantprofessor of International Relations, Razi UniversityKermanshah (Corresponding Author)

2 2. M.A in International Relations,Razi UniversityKermanshah


The anarchic and self-serving structure of international politics leads to security and power-based competition and rivalry.The current rivalry between the United States and China can be examined in this context. The United States assesses China's presence in the Middle East and the growing Sino-Israeli interaction as a threat in the strategic region of the Middle East. The present study examines the US-China political competition in Israel. The Sino-Israeli increasing relations is remarkable from various dimensions. This article investigates the security implications of Chinese influence in Israel for the United States. The authors use a descriptive analytical approach and a library method to argue that the ncreasing Sino-Israeli relations will have security implications for the United States with technological, infrastructure, cyber and commercial dimensions. Using the theory of the security dilemma, the authors explain the dimensions of China's increasing involvement in the Middle East, with an emphasis on Israel, and its security implications for the United States. Consequently, several security implications are likely for the United States if the United States does not pay attention and the scope of tension between the two economic poles expands It will complicate the situation for the United States
