Document Type : Original Article


Faculty member of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology


Undoubtedly today terrorism is an important player in the international arena. A strategic look at the waves of terrorism in the world shows strong evidence for the emergence of a new wave of terrorism in the world. the present article seeks to answer the main question of what the fifth wave of terrorism will be in the region of West Asia and North Africa. Based on what has worked as terrorism in the region of West Asia and North Africa in the 21st century, "semi-state terrorism" seems to be the new wave of terrorism. A wave that controls parts of the territory of a weak state and maintains its rule there, as well as carrying out terrorist attacks against other countries. According to the global terrorism wave indices, in order to consider the fifth wave, the new terrorism phenomenon must be global, have the same driving force, and also be significantly different from the previous wave. It is obvious that semi-state terrorism, as a new wave of terrorism, is different from the fourth wave of religious terrorist groups. This aspect of terrorism prioritizes land control, participates in a wider range of government and governance activities (not just social services), seeks more power, and has takfiri ideologies. Finally, the article concludes that the phenomenon of semi-state terrorism has the potential to become a global wave if it continues to spread.
