Effective Factors on acquiring of Iran Nuclear Deal by Hasan Rouhani Government

bagheri543 bagheri543; esmail mardanloo

Volume 3, Issue 2 , August 2015, , Pages 28-48


  One of the most Challenges of Iran Foreign Policy during of 2003-2015 was Iran nuclear Program. In these years the Governments of Seyed Mohamad Khatami and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad tried to solve the Problem of Iran Nuclear Case but this important issue only realized in Hasan Rouhani Government. The Main ...  Read More

Identity, Nuclearization and Resolution of Iran’s Nuclear Conflict

Mohammad Soltaninejad

Volume 4, Issue 1 , August 2015, , Pages 59-80


  In this article the ideational and normative dimensions of Iran’s bid to join the nuclear countries’ club is studied. The main question is: what is the status of identity and ideational concerns in Iranian nuclear conflict and its resolution? Using a qualitative and analytical method, to answer this ...  Read More